The student associations represent the interests of their members on behalf of VSETH. On the basis of the Zuordnungsliste (available under Reglemente), a particular study association is assigned to each subject area. The associations are independent legal structures, a maximum degree of independence is granted. While the VSETH deals with interdisciplinary topics, the study associations deal with department-specific topics.
The executive board is responsible for the daily business. A maximum of 12 board members work in ressorts such as university policy or projects and meet weekly for the Board meeting. The pensum is at least 50% per member. Accordingly, the members carry out much of the work directly themselves. For larger projects and events, organizing committees (OK) are formed.
The Members’ Council (MR) is the large legislative body and decides on everything that cannot be decided by other bodies. This includes, for example, the budget, elections and amendments to the statutes. The MR meets three times a year. Eligible to vote is one representative per commission, one representative of the staff, and at least 3 representatives per study association, depending on size (up to a total of 40 study association representatives).
The Association’s Council (FR) is the small legislative body and decides, for example, on VSETH’s university policy strategy. It is also the body that supervises the Board. The FR meets every three weeks during the semester; an important function is also the networking of the study associations among themselves. One delegate per study association is entitled to vote.
The Oversight Board (GPK) is the judiciary and checks the compatibility of the activities with the laws and statutes. It also assists with legal questions within the association and decides in the event of regulatory ambiguities. The three members are elected by the MR.
In addition to the Board, the Consulting Boards have MR competencies, too. There is the Financial Consulting Board (FinA), which helps with the preparation, processing and analysis of the accounts and the budget in VSETH. The AGO Revision Consulting Board (ARA) is dedicated to revising the statutes. The IT Consulting Board (ITA) deals with VSETH internal IT. The Expense and Compensation Consulting Board (SpEA) is self-explanatory.
The committees have a specific thematic focus and organize appropriate events and projects. They report to the Board, which elects the presidency of the commissions and issues its regulations. Some larger commissions have their own sub-structures (such as further thematically subdivided groupings) in addition to the commission board.
The Representatives of VSETH members elected by the MR who represent VSETH’s interests in ETH committees or foundations. They can count on the support of other VSETH actives in case of uncertainties and present their activities in an annual report at the end of their term of office.
The numerous working groups are responsible for a large part of VSETH’s work in terms of content. For example, the working group on equal opportunities developed the action papers for the wiegETHs survey, while the working group on Corona helps with recommendations on strategies and behaviour within the association related to Corona.