Executive Board

The VSETH is managed by a voluntary student board and the executive secretary.



The Presidency represents the Board internally and VSETH as a whole externally. It is responsible for the strategic and operational management of the association.

It maintains the good relations with the Board of the ETH and with other organizations such as AVETH, VSUZH at the University of Zurich and AGEPoly at EPF Lausanne.

It manages the Board, looks after the staff and coordinates VSETH’s commitment.

The Presidency is represented by the Vice-Presidency.

Klara Sasse (Vice) and Julia Bogdan (Presidency)



The Treasury is responsible for the financial transactions of VSETH. These include wage payments, accounting with SAP, budget and year-end closing.

It also offers assistance within the association on financial issues.

Clément Lefebvre

Internal Affairs


Internal Affairs coordinates and supports the work of the committees, student associations and other organizations. In particular, it supports the formation of new committees and student organizations and optimises internal structures and processes.

It maintains contact with partner organizations and other student organizations.

Florence Kissling and Lisa Bachmann



University Politics is responsible for the intensive exchange and representation of students’ concerns at ETH (ETH Board, Rectorate, University Assembly, Teaching Commission etc.).

It coordinates efforts to enhance the quality of the studies (better teaching, access to buildings, semester fees, etc.) through working groups and workshops.

It is in active exchange with other universities, especially in Switzerland (VSS) e.g. EPFL, St. Gallen and Zurich University, but also internationally through the IDEALeague in Delft, Aachen and other technical universities.

Klara Sasse, Sophie Schulz and Jana Lea Fuchs



Culture organizes the major events at ETH. These include the freshmen party, the conquering, the summer bar, the punch bar and much more.

It supports the student organization Projektis, the committees and other organizations in questions concerning the organization of events, notably with an educational weekend.

It coordinates communication between official ETH bodies, StuZ and VSETH between the various organizations that organize events at ETH.

Bastian Ksinsik
Baptiste Lucaes



Communication takes care of the advertising and information channels as well as the external image of VSETH. These tasks include the newsletter, social media channels, poster stands, information events and various designs.

Particularly important is the organization and design of the Erstie-Tag, where sponsorship also plays an important role.

Josephine Loehle and Jana Lea Fuchs



Infrastructure is (as the name suggests) responsible for the infrastructure within VSETH. This includes the operation and further development of the IT infrastructure, as well as the representation of VSETH in real estate matters.

Furthermore, this office is responsible for the administration of the VSETH premises, such as the music rooms and the front desk.

Sophie Schulz and Ehreninfras

Geschäftsführendes Sekretariat


The Executive Secretary is employed by VSETH and is a voting member of the board.

It supports the Executive Board in its work in the operative business and takes care of the minutes.

It is responsible for personnel management and the maintenance of knowledge within the association.

Alexander Beck