From the 22nd to the 24th of October, we were in Pizol, St. Gallen, with 33 motivated and university-politically interested students from different student associations and committees for a weekend full of workshops, games and good food. Maybe some of you still know the old name, FRUKDuK, which is an acronym of the different committees (FR – Fachvereinsrat, Associations’ Council; UK – Unterrichtskommission, Teaching Committee; DK – Departementskonferenz, Department Conference) of student participation. The weekend is organized by the FR presidency with the aim of exchanging ideas and thoughts on various current university politics issues. This time, different workshops took place on the topics of participation culture in VSETH, future of digital platforms for teaching (Moodle, Ilias, …) as well as new projects such as a Festival of Nations or a VSETH Student Helpdesk. We are now taking the ideas generated there into our daily work and are trying to implement as much of it as possible in a timely manner. Apart from the content, the weekend was accompanied by the finest food (Indian paneer, crepes, scones, cheesecake, dumplings, vegan doughnuts, …), here again a big thanks to the kitchen team! Fun and fellowship were not neglected either; on Friday evening there was a torch run with stations where we solved various tasks, Saturday afternoon part of the group enjoyed the view during a hike and on Saturday evening a game in a medieval setting challenged the improvisation skills of the participants. If you are now also interested in university politics, you can already make a note of the 18-20.03.2022, because the next Hopo weekend will take place there. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at
If you want to know more about the weekend, you can read a detailed article in the next issue of Polykum (No. 2, 2021/2022).