
The Bündnerclub is an association of students from the canton of Grisons currently studying at the ETH and the University of Zurich. Its goal is to keep the people from the canton in contact and be a reason for making new friends, which is achieved through several events over the course of the year. Our main event is the traditional Bündnerfest, which attracts around 1200 people every year. The contact with the cantonal gymnasiums and with past students is of particular interest to the association, as it is representative body of ETH and University of Zurich students from Grisons.


The ASTAZ (Associazone Studenti Ticinesi a Zurigo) was formed in 1988 as an association for students from Ticino studying at Zurich’s universities. The association organizes different Events, which go from political debates to extravagant parties. For its members the association offers further activities like an annual ski-weekend or visits to breweries. Moreover they’re involved in helping students from the first semester to get on the daily grind of the life as a student in Zurich and in stimulating the friendship between students from Ticino.


Established in November 2015, the African Students Association of Zurich (ASAZ) aims at bringing together ETHZ and UZH students of African origin and students interested in African cultures and issues. The ASAZ organizes events that promote African scholars and research and cultivate friendship and solidarity, including ASAZ round tables, research days, reading groups, sport tournaments, and get-togethers.


The “Akademischer Aviatikverein Zürich” is a students organisation with a special interest in every area of aviation. Their members include private pilot license holders as well as glider pilots, paragliders and parachutists. Furthermore, the association also consists of plane spotters, remote control aircraft pilots and other individuals with a passion for aviation.
They aim to reach a wide variety of aviation enthusiasts who are looking to make new acquaintances with like-minded peers to exchange knowldege and to take part in joint activities. Their activities go from Drink-Ins (monthly round table), trial flights, Fly-Ins, guided tours at aviation related companies, airshows and many more events.