
The union of students at ETH Zürich is the umbrella organisation of all students at the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. It has the oversight of all program-specific study associations and manages student affairs. VSETH represents the students opinions in higher education policy and much more. With a diverse offering of comittees and events, the students get to experience a balanced student life. Furthermore, VSETH manages various committees and maintains contact with other organizations that promote different interests. Regular exchange enables VSETH to be well-acquainted with the needs and expectations of students.

Have we sparked your interest in one of our offers? We look forward to hearing from you.

Feel free to contact the offers directly – or we can provide you with centralized, non-binding advice: sponsoring@vseth.ethz.ch.

Sponsoring packages:

We offer a variety of packages that can be booked to reach the students over our channels. All offers are detailed below and can also be booked individually.

*Participants of the “Polymesse” get a discount of 10% on all package deals.

Campus-Kontakt 365 light

Reaching our students in our association magazine “Polykum”

6 half-page advertisements in the “Polykum” over the span of one year

CHF 7’000*

Campus-Kontakt 365

Reaching our students in our association magazine “Polykum” as well as the first year students in the “Ersti”-Welcome-Bag

6 half-page advertisements in the “Polykum” over the span of one year +

Flyer or product in the “Ersti-Welcome-Bag” in September

CHF 10’000*

Campus-Kontakt 365+

Reaching our students in our association magazine “Polykum” as well as the first year students in the “Ersti”-Welcome-Bag and supporting one of our events

6 half-page advertisements in the “Polykum” over the span of one year +

Flyer or product in the “Ersti-Welcome-Bag” in September +

Supporting one event of your choice

CHF 13’500*


Reaching our students at one of our events

Sponsoring-Partner at 3 VSETH-Events of your choice

  • ESF
  • Nik’s Hütte
  • Summerbar
  • SoNaFe
  • WiNaFe
  • FLiK

CHF 9’000*

Our offers in detail:


Students entering ETH in their first year of studies receive their “Ersti” (first year) bag from VSETH. This sustainable bag is loved by all students and is used even after the goodies and flyers have been removed. Be it as a sports bag or to store books. We offer the opportunity to promote your products or services directly to the fresh audience. It is a great way to get your name out there.

Available Adspace: Flyer, product, merchandise (sticker, pens, etc.), discount offer


The Polykum is the association magazine of VSETH and reaches more than 20,000 students and doctoral candidates at ETH Zurich digitally or in print. Are you interested in placing an advertisement in Polykum?

Available Adspace: Advertisements, Sponsored Content


At ETH Zurich’s largest recruitment fair, 140 companies present themselves to interested students over three days and showcase career opportunities. The fair takes place in the hall of the main building of ETH and on the Polyterrasse, being a main staple amongst all students.


The “Erstsemestrigenfest” (first semester party) is the biggest party that takes place on the ETH Campus. In the second week of the autumn semester, over 5000 people attend the night-long event organized by VSETH on Hönggerberg. On four different stages various acts have a wide range of music. Numerous bars and food-trucks serve a variety of refreshments.
Available Adspace: Logo on Poster, Website (+ Link) and social media; logo on staff-shirts; armbands with logo; cup-covers, ; mit Logo versehenes Zelt bzw. Bühne; A0 Plakat im Wartebereich.

Nik’s Hütte

“Niks Hütte” ist ein traditionelles Winter-Event des VSETH, das während drei Wochen Ende November bis Mitte Dezember jeden Jahres stattfindet. Hier kommen Studierende aus verschiedenen Studiengängen zusammen, um sich auszutauschen, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und gemeinsam eine tolle Zeit abends bei Glühwein/Punsch und einem Raclette zu verbringen. Es findet in einem Zelt auf dem ETH Campus Hönggerberg statt und wird jeden Wochentag betrieben, wobei jeden Tag eine andere VSETH-Organisation (Fachverein/Kommission) hostet, was viele unterschiedliche Interessensgruppen anzieht.
Verfügbare Werbeträger: Plakate im Zelt, Produktsponsoring, Logo auf allen Werbeunterlagen des Events, gebrandete Becher, Geschirr, Besteck


Das Summerbar-Zelt steht während drei Wochen im Mai auf der Polyterrasse (ETH-Campus), wird wochentags betrieben und wird jeden Tag von einer anderen VSETH-Organisation (Fachverein/Kommission) gehostet. Gäste sind Studierende aus jeglichen Studiengängen, die die lauen Abende bei einem Bier und Grillgut ausklingen lassen.
Verfügbare Werbeträger: Plakate im Zelt, Produktsponsoring, Logo auf allen Werbeunterlagen des Events, gebrandete Becher, Geschirr, Besteck


At the Challenge, ETH Zurich and EPF Lausanne face off in a sporting competition. 50 students from each university compete over four days for the prestigious victory. The event attracts more than 400 students, alumni, and professors, and offers a unique platform to bring together students from all disciplines from both universities.

Openair-cinema ETH Hönggerberg (FLiK)

In May we will set up a huge openair cinema on ETH Hönggerberg and show 3 movies to about 1800 guests. The event will be accompanied by a barbecue and bar, which will attract even more passers-by. As a sponsor, you have the opportunity to show an advertising clip before the film screening, to present yourself with an advertising banner or stand or even on popcorn bags. We look forward to hearing from you!