The AIV is the association of civil engineering students and aims to provide them comfortable and carefree studies. The AIV takes a stand for the interests of the civil engineering students concerning the department and the ETH in general, organizes an annual career fair (Kontakttreffen Hönggerberg), supports the students during their studies, organizes excursions and runs its own bar, the Loch Ness.


The VeBiS represents the bachelor and master programs of the D-BIOL. The VeBiS was founded in 2004 and supports the students with annual preparation courses for the basic exam, arranges contacts at company tours or career days and organizes social events such as apéros and general meetings. Furthermore, VeBiS has seats in the various university policy committees at the Department of Biology to represent the interests of the students. For the exchange of experiences between students, the homepage, the distribution of newsletters and the magazine ‘biotikum’, which is published twice a semester, are used.


The UFO represents the interests of all students of environmental sciences towards the lecturers, the ETH and the other study programs. Besides university politics, we provide exam preparation courses and old summaries and exams for your successful studies. Furthermore, the UFO organizes various events, where you can relax and engage in social activities to balance your study life.


The HeaT represents the field of studies “Health Sciences and Technology” and “Humane Medicine”. It represents its students at the department, organizes study support (e.g. exam preparation courses) and social events (e.g. sports days and parties). Moreover, the Move Sportshop, a commission of the HeaT, organises a fair twice a year (ski and summer fair), where all ETH students can purchase sports clothes and equipment at reasonable prices. The medical students also have their own commission, the mesa, subordinate to HeaT with which they can represent their students to the Swimsa.


MSA is the student organization for the Management Technology and Economics (MTEC) MSc students. They organize both company events and social activities as well as they provide academic feedback.


erfa represents the study program Earth Sciences. It helps to diversify the studies with various events during the semester, excursions to the fields and other culinary delights.


BSA represents the students studying biotechnology. It represents the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering which is located in Basel.


The Academic Pharmaceutical Student Association represents the study path pharmaceutical sciences and the master’s degree medicinal and industrial pharmaceutical sciences and is part of the Swiss organization association suisse des étudiants en pharmacie (asep). Since its foundation in 1910 the APV provides his members with help and advice. The APV provides his students a website for lecture notes, where they can also find an archive of the student magazine Tonikum and information about the upcoming events.


The VCS supports students studying Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry-Chemical Biology and Interdisciplinary Sciences in their studies by providing exam preparation courses, information events, and an extensive exam collection. It also organizes exchange programs with friendly student associations and field trips, parties, sustainability talks and many more events. At the general assembly the representatives that will advocate the interests of the students to the VSETH, the department and the school directors are elected.


Represents the following degrees: MA History and Philosophy of Knowledge, MA Comparative and International Studies, MA in Science, Technology and Policy, and BA Staatswissenschaften. GESS Who! is the youngest and the most interdisciplinary association at ETH (and among the smallest, too). It represents the students at the D-GESS in their existence as ETHs exotic birds towards the department and the VSETH.